No matter where you are in life, it can feel like it's just you and the things you hold onto.
Holding onto mainly your past and the materials on your back is moving in a scarcity mindset. It's easy and weak. It's nonsensical. As someone who consumes the world more efficiently and wisely everyday, why wouldn't you have a brighter future?
You will make more meaningful friendships.
You will find yourself in a journey that satisfies your soul.
You will learn more about every side of you.
You will receive greater blessings.
Don't waste time copying other people's vibe or way of living no matter how "good" it looks. Use your own perfectly messed up taste in everything as big as the stars and as little as the dirt on your shoe.
Values bring people together. The people that find value in you often see it in themselves first. Therefore, focus on developing a range of values and good character. You will unlock a level of people around you that operate at this higher frequency and the lesser frequencies will start to look dull to you. They will bore you. The ones meant to stay in your world will stay. Some leave and continue their own journey. Let them continue their journey with grace and good wishes. For the people that stay in your life, appreciate the fact that they accept you as you come.
Focus on living authentic journey: this comes with a trillion, quadrillion, quintillion of "mistakes". Don't be embarrassed making a mistake that others couldn't even be in a position to make if they wanted to. Regardless, your story and journey matters. Where you went to elementary school, your smallest fears, and your biggest achievements-- no matter how small they might seem standing next to a big world. You are important. You hold value in the world and others' lives, and you don't even know it.
There is someone out there that is
impressed by you
looks up to you
is proud of you
would love you for you.
Having power is the using the freedom to operate at a high sense of self, so focus on your own authentic journey.
According to "The Power in Being Yourself: Feeling Authentic Enhances the Sense of Power", the authors (Gan, Heller, Chen) used five experiments to suggest that "authenticity breeds power". You could be your own sixth experiment.